Created by Barbara 8 years ago
Like a cross between Churchill and Picasso Teo came came into my life in the early 80"s,The voice, the beautiful opinionated voice.both grand and eloquent,hypnotic in its intelligence.
We worked together both at MGM and Paramount--A man of a 100 shirts that he would dry clean in one shot once a month--a hundred boxes to cart up the steps of' Pensione Paradiso.'...coming to work in his bashed up cadallics-his navy blazers and funky crushded linen pants with his old ties from eton--We were impressed--we were intimidated, Whats this on his desk ?? a bottle of Southern comfort and HEMINGWAYS "TYPWRITER!! And there it was with his name on it this old Remington that sat there like a big spider---HE ALWAYS ENTHRALLED US WITH HIS ENERGY AND WIT--
To me it was like coming home to Europe-I did love him so -his huge ancient soul...
Ask not for whom the bell tolls...He was a man born out of time-place- he was a nineteenth century man in an over lit world--Dearest Teo we send you on your journey with great blessings surrounded by centuries of books and wonderful meals with all who love you.
God Bless